A huge result for the girls today against Coomera with a resounding 174 – 0 victory. Credit to Coomera who battled for the full 4 quarters. We have been in similar games last season where we were in their position. They will learn quickly, as we did, and be better for it.
Saints welcomed back Dani from injury and she obliged with several goals in her first quarter. With such a big score line we had plenty of goal kickers which was great to see. Some getting their first goals of the season (or ever!). We tried to move players around to ensure everyone was involved as the backs especially didn’t see much ball – which is not a bad problem to have.
Most pleasing was to see the lessons learned at training being applied in the game. While we always play tough the girls are all improving their skills and footy IQ. So proud to see the team and individuals improving. These girls are a team!
All players did well. Special mention to Tayla playing her first game for the club. Best on ground this game goes to Ally who was awesome with her skills today. Its Ally’s 1st season of AFL and she is a natural. On top of this Ally is an outstanding trainer so deserves her success. Great game ALLY!
Let’s keep working hard at training and striving to improve. This is what coaches look for and like to reward. The team has good numbers now which is pleasing and it gives us a few on the bench. with less reliance on the U11s. Hopefully however, we won’t need the bench due to injuries! But it will mean that all players will get some bench time. The coaches appreciate the girls understanding and encourage them to see it as an opportunity to cheer their team on and discuss some strategy to go back out firing.
3 in a row girls – Well done!